Title _ Oktober sky
Period _ 2022
Location _ Novafeltria, Italy
Status _ Entry, Two phased design competition
With _ Simone Tardini
The area has an articulated conformation in its perimeter and orography - nonlinear - which allows the mitigation of the building's impact from the street front due to the slope presence.
The slope allows the definition of different outdoor spaces, more protected at the back and more open on the front side.
The decision to keep the building on a single level is dictated, in addition to functional issues, by the conformation of the lot and the link with the extent of the surrounding built-up area.
These are small- to medium-scale artifacts with which a dialogue is created reducing the perception of volume.
The decision to keep the building on a single level is dictated, in addition to functional issues, by the conformation of the lot and the link with the extent of the surrounding built-up area.
These are small- to medium-scale artifacts with which a dialogue is created reducing the perception of volume.

The building envelope also is an alternation of exposed wooden elements and glass walls, which ensure integration with the surrounding natural element, a preponderant element of the area.
The project moves from the archetypal idea of the house, which architecturally conforms to the five pavilions that form the basis of the design composition. This choice is based on the reflection that in an infant's life, the school represents in terms of time a second home.
From this reflection, the proposed architectural choices draw on everyday imagery and draw recognizable elements that can characterize the different areas of the building. The material choice (the wood used for the structure, the cladding, and the furniture components), brings back the dimensions of the public building to the proportions and sensations of the home .
The project moves from the archetypal idea of the house, which architecturally conforms to the five pavilions that form the basis of the design composition. This choice is based on the reflection that in an infant's life, the school represents in terms of time a second home.
From this reflection, the proposed architectural choices draw on everyday imagery and draw recognizable elements that can characterize the different areas of the building. The material choice (the wood used for the structure, the cladding, and the furniture components), brings back the dimensions of the public building to the proportions and sensations of the home .

These are spatial experiences, that are already inherent in the child's experience and thus become educational tools suitable for stimulating creativity, fostering personality expression, and learning the rules of community life.
In the common area between the pavilions-classrooms, the boundary between inside and outside seems to dissolve: the walls are glazed and potentially openable. This filter creates a continuity between outdoor and indoor spaces, which proved essential in the last difficult years of the pandemic, and increasingly important at the pedagogical level. In fact, outside areas, there are educational and play spaces, thanks to tables, seats, vegetable gardens, and furniture integrated into the natural greenery of the lot. The connective space is therefore fluid, domestic, and flexible and designed to allow children from different classes to meet and create a common area.
In the common area between the pavilions-classrooms, the boundary between inside and outside seems to dissolve: the walls are glazed and potentially openable. This filter creates a continuity between outdoor and indoor spaces, which proved essential in the last difficult years of the pandemic, and increasingly important at the pedagogical level. In fact, outside areas, there are educational and play spaces, thanks to tables, seats, vegetable gardens, and furniture integrated into the natural greenery of the lot. The connective space is therefore fluid, domestic, and flexible and designed to allow children from different classes to meet and create a common area.
informal practice
︎ informal_practice / informalpractice.xyz@gmail.com
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Unless otherwise stated, all content on this website is the intellectual property of INFORMALPRACTICE and may not be used or reproduced without express consent.